Dr Kathryn Hollins MBChB MRCPsych MSc
Relationships before birth through life

Meet Dr Kathryn Hollins
Relationships, Healthy Development and Mental Health
for parent-child, parent-parent, families, parent-grandparent...
Come and meet with me for a consultation to find solutions and understand more when:
You have questions about how best to respond to your child's behaviour or feelings.
Your child has reached a new stage in their development and it feels confusing, frustrating or worrying. You are thinking "is my child ok?"
Your child is struggling at school but is fine at home or seems fine at school and then upset and angry at home- let's make sense of what is going on and what he or she needs to be happy, healthy and engaged
You are stuck on how to create a healthy rhythm for your family given all the competing demands: Career? Childcare? Identity? Homelife? Wondering here to start?
You are feeling overwhelmed, low in mood, anxious, frustrated or sad and need support for yourself in order to make sense of your feelings during motherhood or pregnancy.
You are having intense and challenging feelings about being a mother or father that feel hard to manage and you feel guilty, incompetent or upset.
You are pregnant and have questions or emotional struggles about becoming a mother. There are no taboos, we can talk about everything. I am here to understand, not judge and find ways forward.
You are worried about childbirth or had a distressing or traumatic birth experience
You experienced pregnancy loss, stillbirth or the death of your child
You want to become the best parent you can be, but your own experiences of being parented when you were growing up make you feel scared or overwhelmed about 'how to do it' or unsure if you can do it. You can- let's talk.
you and your partner are expecting a baby and you want to reflect on how to make the transition from life as a couple to family life as co-parents
Parents of older children and adult children are welcome: there are always new experiences in parenthood to make sense of with support.
Your family are having a difficult time due to change, loss or trauma.
Being a mother or father is not what you expected, for whatever reason, small or big. Perhaps bonding with your child is difficult- come and talk, it is safe to share and it can help. Don't suffer in silence.
Be courageous, reach out and contact me. You are not alone. Pregnancy, Motherhood, Fatherhood, Childhood and Family Life are emotional rollercoasters for all. Your experience can change, with support.

My professional work
I am a Consultant Parent, Child and Family Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist. My qualifications are MBChB MRC Psych MSc.
The Hollins Practice is an independent clinic for parents and families. I offer specialist assessment, treatment and psychotherapeutic consulations for all the reasons above. I do not meet with children and young people over the age of ten years old, though I am happy to work with parents of children and young people of all ages.
I am registered with most insurance companies (though not BUPA) as well as seeing self-funding clients.
I also work in the NHS in Surrey to support families across the life span, by offering consultation, collaboration and co-working between services, communities and families.
I was Clinical Lead for the Perinatal and Parent Infant Mental Health Service at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London (2006-2015) and worked closely with midwives, obstetricians, GPs and Health visitors during pregnancy and the first year of life.
I worked with entrepreneurs developing the Circles App, to support new mums at the start of motherhood by offering expert postings and small online support groups.
I completed a Winston Churchill Travel Fellowship to explore the support available for parents in meeting the emotional needs of their children in Norway and Scotland and learned how our social support networks and community environments profoundly affect our health and happiness during family life. I developed a parenthood ecology model to enable parents to explore and enrich their own environments from home life to wider world.
I trained as a medical doctor 25 years ago. I then studied anthropology in recognition of the profound influence of culture on our health and happiness. I then specialised as a Child, Family and Parent Psychiatrist & Medical Psychotherapist at both the Tavistock clinic and the Cassel Hospital, London.